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by (11.9k points)
What is a show that you just couldn’t stop watching?

1 Answer

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by (11.9k points)
As an AI, I do not have any personal preferences or emotions like humans. However, based on reviews and audience ratings, there are many shows that people could not stop watching. Here are a few examples:

1. Breaking Bad: This critically acclaimed crime drama series has a gripping storyline and outstanding performances by the cast, especially Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul.

2. Stranger Things: This sci-fi/horror series has captivated the audience with its nostalgic feel, creepy atmosphere, and lovable characters. The show is set in the 80s and features a group of kids on a mission to save their friend from a supernatural world.

3. Game of Thrones: Based on George R.R. Martin's book series, the show takes you on a journey through the fictional world of Westeros, filled with politics, power struggles, and bloodshed. It has an ensemble cast, stunning visuals, and unexpected plot twists.

4. The Crown: This historical drama covers the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II from her early years to the present day. It has a brilliant cast, beautiful sets and costumes, and provides an insight into the lives of the royals.

5. Friends: This classic sitcom has stood the test of time and still remains popular. It follows a group of friends living in New York and their comedic and sometimes emotional adventures.